Referral Program for Fresno Medical Center in Fresno, CA
You can refer us to your family or friends if you are satisfied with our services. Contact us for more information. We are conveniently located at 6069 N First St # 103, Fresno, CA 93710.

A practice like ours depends heavily on referrals from satisfied patients. If you’re happy with our services, and if you know someone else who might benefit from what we do, we’d appreciate it if you could refer us to them.
Can you think of anyone you know who might be a good referral for us?

❱ Employment Physical Exams
❱ DMV or DOT Physical Exams
❱ Immigration Physical
❱ Sports and School Physical Exams
❱ Yearly Well Adult Examination
❱ Comprehensive Physical Exams
❱ Physical Exams
❱ Surgical Procedure Service
❱ Functional Medicine
❱ Diabetes Treatment
❱ Medical Weight Loss Treatment