24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring Clinic in Fresno, CA
High blood pressure (hypertension) often shows no symptoms and is dangerous when left untreated. Fresno Medical Center specializes in the treatment of all forms of hypertension and provides 24-hour monitoring. Talk to Dr. Gurmej Dhillon, MD, about how 24-hour blood pressure monitoring can help you. For more information, contact us now or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 6069 N First St # 103, Fresno, CA 93710.

Table of Contents:
What is Hypertension?
What causes high blood pressure?
What are the symptoms of Hypertension?
What are the health complications from Hypertension?
Your blood pressure is being measured as you move around, living your normal daily life. It is normally carried over 24 hours. It uses a small digital blood pressure machine that is attached to a belt around your body and which is connected to a cuff around your upper arm. It is small enough that you can go about your normal daily life and even sleep with it on. Help to rule out the “white coat effect”, to make sure that your blood pressure medicines are controlling your blood pressure through the day or need adjustment.
Hypertension is the medical terminology used to describe blood pressure that is consistently higher than normal, or high blood pressure. When blood pressure rises above normal levels on a consistent basis, the force of the blood against the artery walls can lead to other serious health problems. Some of which could potentially be fatal, like heart attack, or stroke, or cause long-term problems like heart disease.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a condition that usually develops over time, and the primary factors that lead to hypertension are unhealthy lifestyle choices, lack of physical activity, and blood plasma volume. Obesity, or diabetes, may also increase the risk of hypertension. Hypertension may also occur during pregnancy. For the mother and her unborn baby’s well-being, blood pressure is closely monitored.
There are two diagnosable types of high blood pressure:
Primary hypertension (essential) – No identifiable cause of high blood pressure. For most adults, primary hypertension develops gradually over the years.
Secondary hypertension – High blood pressure caused by underlying medical conditions. Appears suddenly, unlike primary hypertension. Various medications and conditions can cause secondary hypertension, which include:
• Obstructive sleep apnea
• Kidney disease
• Congenital blood defects
• Thyroid problems (hyperactive or hypoactive)
• Adrenal gland tumors
• Drug abuse (Cocaine and amphetamines)
The majority of people with hypertension, even if showing dangerously high blood pressure levels, show no symptoms. If high blood pressure reaches a severe or life-threatening stage, some people may experience shortness of breath, headaches or nose bleeds, however, these signs are not specific.
Hypertension can lead to serious, even fatal complications if left untreated.
Some of these include:
• Heart attack, heart failure, or stroke, damages arteries
• Aneurysm
• Narrowed or torn blood vessels in the eyes
• Narrowed or weakened blood vessels in the kidneys
• Metabolic syndrome
• Loss of memory and difficulty understanding
• Dementia
• Vision loss
Nourishing and oxygenated blood is necessary for proper brain function, but hypertension can cause serious damage to the brain, including:
• TIA (Transient ischemic attack) – Or mini-stroke is a temporary and brief disruption of blood to the brain. Caused by blood clots and hardened arteries.
• Mild cognitive impairment – Generally seen as symptoms of aging and serious problems with dementia is the transition between memory and understanding.
• Vascular dementia – Blocked or narrowed arteries that limit blood flow to the brain.
High blood pressure threatens health and quality of life and can lead to death or disability, and a person’s best protection is knowledge, management, and prevention. The best way to know if your blood pressure is high is to see your doctor to have it checked. Learn what factors contribute to hypertension and put you at a higher risk. And finally, take the necessary steps to manage your blood pressure and reduce your risk. Heart-healthy lifestyle changes and working in partnership with your doctor and taking any medications you are prescribed will greatly reduce your risk of hypertension complications.
You can visit Fresno Medical Center if you have high blood pressure. For more information about our treatment options or to see us for an appointment, please feel welcome to call us or visit one of our clinic. We proudly serve the areas of Fresno CA, Burness CA, Locans CA, Lone Star CA, Mayfair CA, Muscatel CA, Oleander CA, and West Park CA.

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